Tuesday, April 19, 2016

No iPhone Left Behind

I have a huge amount of social anxiety which I can usually mask in short spurts with bravado that leaves me exhausted and nervous that everyone I just interacted with can't stand me. I'm a real treat.

This morning, I had to conduct a Q&A training session in front of around 25 co-workers.  By all accounts, it went fine.  I gave helpful guidance, people asked good questions and when I was finished, they were very kind, thanking me and inviting me back for another future session.

I left feeling really good and they moved on to another training session in the room.  

Then I got to my car and I realized I had left my phone in the conference room.  And I very genuinely considered leaving without it and driving back to my own office without any regard for how I would ever get it back.  All to avoid having to reappear in front of everyone to get it.

Thank God I found it in a small pocket of my purse a few seconds later.

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